Butterfly & Moth
This set is an absolute must for any digital artists arsenal! Included is 55 moth and butterfly brushes that are sure to help maximize your time and efficiency. Clodius Parnassian Swallowtail Phoebus Parnassian Zebra Swallowtail Giant Swallowtail Schaus’ Swallowtail Dogface Alfalfa Great Purple Hairstreak Variegated Fritillary Zebra Gulf Fritillary Regal Fritillary Buckeye Viceroy Red-Spotted Purple White Admiral Funereal Dusky Wing Tulip-Tree Beauty Polyphemus Moth Luna Moth Diana Cecropia Moth Monarch Pipe Vine Swallowtail Side Heliconians Laviana White-Skipper Checkered Skipper Spreadwing Skipper Big-Spotted Beamer Tawny Emperor Cuban Crescent Elf Atlantis Fritillary Rita Blue Swallowtail Side Bahamian Swallowtail Lime Swallowtail Fall Cankerworm Moth Mexican Silverspot Pipe Vine Swallowtail Pipevine Swallotail 2 Black swallowtail Glasswing Tiger Striped Purple Hairstreak Painted Lady Florida Atala Blue Morpho Monarch 2 Malachite Malachite 2 Janetta Forester Janetta Forester 2 Papilio machaon Created by Alex Ellis From Forget Me Not Tattoo in Ocala, Fl.
$19.99 Regular Price
$9.99Sale Price